Wiredhaired Pointing Griffon Pup Riley


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I just want to send you a quick note to let you know that our Griff, now known as Riley is doing great.  From the day we picked her up she was such a social, sweet dog and the continues to be the case.  She is such a good little traveler and  slept almost the entire way from Buhl to Portland.  She adapted to us quickly , sleeping in her crate through the night.

She has been a champ at the vet for all of her shots and definitely a waiting room favorite, not only because she is such a beautiful dog, but also because of her relentlessly friendly personality.  People consistently come up to me to comment on what a good looking dog she is and are always in love with her sweet friendly personality.

She is such a super friendly sociable, eager to please, intelligent young dog.  She is now enrolled in puppy training classes and is doing very well.  She absolutely loves all of the other dogs and is eager to play with all of them, without even a hint of unsociable behavior.   When other dogs get detracted from the  lessons, she is still looking into my eyes, waiting for the nest command, anticipation what I want from her next.  We are both looking forward to lots of hiking, swimming and camping this spring and summer, as well as pointing and retrieving her first birds this fall(although she already goes on point on our walks in the country).

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We just wanted to thank you for socializing her as a you puppy and setting us up with such a great, healthy you dog.  There is already talk of putting the name back on the list for another female from you in the future, but not that soon, puppy hood is still fresh in the mind!  Again, a big thanks to you and your family.

Patrick S.